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Looking for reliability, quality & value?
1000's of gases and equipment items with the highest quality and safety standards from the market leader
Join thousands of BOC customers who trust us to supply their gas
businesses like yours
of the largest pub chains
of NHS hospitals in the UK
A wide selection of gases for your industry with small to large cylinders and lightweight options like Genie cylinders if portability is key. Professional-grade equipment and safety products with expert advice on hand to help you make the right selection.
The majority of our gases can be delivered to you the next working day, within a specified 4-hour delivery time slot taking into consideration your opening hours. Set your delivery preferences to schedule your gas delivery when it's most convenient for you. BOC has the network to keep you covered wherever you are in the UK to keep your business flowing. You can also choose to pick up in store or click and collect from 50+ Gas & Gear stores nationwide.
From as little as £3.30 per month that includes cylinder filling, maintenance and safety checks, renting is a cost-effective choice that means zero investment for your business. No up-front deposit, choose to pay monthly or annually, no fixed term contract so you're free to cancel at any time and have the remaining months rental refunded.
With BOC you are choosing the highest safety and standards. All cylinders and valves are fully tested, safely filled, stored and maintained. You can trust the quality of the gas. BOC fill cylinders to a pressure standard that is consistent and a higher pressure than most other suppliers so you know you are getting reliability, quality and value.
Our customers rate us 4.5 out of 5 for ease of doing business
Our customers rate us 4.5 out of 5 for ease of doing business

Create an account
'Go to cart' then 'checkout' and sign up for a credit account

Place your order
Complete your order and we'll deliver your gas or you can collect in-store
* Data displayed is based on internal market analysis.
4.5 out of 5 is an average score, based on the question: 'How easy is it to do business with BOC'?
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