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Arc Brazing Gas
MIG brazing is a variant of MIG welding used to join ferrous materials. During MIG brazing, filler metal is melted but parent metal is not. Only inert or reducing gases used as the shielding gas such as argon, argon/helium mixtures and argon hydrogen mixtures. Plasma brazing uses similar shielding gases.
- 12 Products
Higher-pressure cylinders for more gas and fewer changeovers, available in a choice of...
From £153.59 per cylinder
(incl. VAT)
Pureshield Argon 15-cylinder manifold cylinder pallet (MCP) supplied in size WW (165.2m3...
£2,523.54 per cylinder pallet
(incl. VAT)
Dissolved acetylene 15-cylinder manifold cylinder pallet (MCP) supplied in size WL (121.6m3...
£3,365.22 per cylinder pallet
(incl. VAT)
Higher-pressure cylinders for more gas and fewer changeovers
£3,468.78 per cylinder pallet
(incl. VAT)
ADDvance Laser230 comprises 70% Argon, 30% Helium supplied in 15-cylinder manifold cylinder...
£5,438.34 per cylinder pallet
(incl. VAT)
Stainshield TIG gas, 98.5% Argon, 1.5% Hydrogen suited to manual applications, including TIG...
£3,046.74 per cylinder pallet
(incl. VAT)
Specshield 5% Hydrogen balance Argon Manifolded Cylinder Pallet 15-cylinder MCP supplied in...
£3,583.08 per cylinder pallet
(incl. VAT)